The Coffee Song

The Coffee Song
Written by Bob Hilliard and Dick Miles  / Singer by Frank Sinatra

Way down among Brazilians 
Coffee beans grow by the billions 
So they've got to find those extra cups to fill 
They've got an awful lot of coffee in Brazil  

You can't get cherry soda 
'cause they've got to fill that quota 
And the way things are I'll bet they never will 
They've got a zillion tons of coffee in Brazil 
No tea or tomato juice 
You'll see no potato juice 
'cause the planters down in Santos all say "No, no, no" 
The politician's daughter 
Was accused of drinkin' water 
And was fined a great big fifty dollar bill 
They've got an awful lot of coffee in Brazil 
You date a girl and find out later 
She smells just like a percolator 
Her perfume was made right on the grill 
Why, they could percolate the ocean in Brazil 
And when their ham and eggs need savor 
Coffee ketchup gives 'em flavor 
Coffee pickles way outsell the dill 
Why, they put coffee in the coffee in Brazil 
No tea, no tomato juice 
You'll see no potato juice 
The planters down in Santos all say "No, no, no"
So you'll add to the local color 
Serving coffee with a cruller 
Dunkin' doesn't take a lot of skill 
They've got an awful lot of coffee in Brazil
Man, they got a gang of coffee in Brazil!!

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《Ring A Ding Ding》,1961

這是一首挖苦巴西咖啡的歌,於1946由法蘭克‧辛納屈首錄,1961重新收錄在「Ring A DING DING」專輯。以充滿諷刺幽默的口吻描述在當時的巴西,因咖啡量產過剩,大街小巷到處都充斥著咖啡,餐廳裡沒別的飲料,只有咖啡,配餐佐料也是咖啡醬,就連喝水都還會被開罰單。如真在這樣氛圍下喝咖啡,肯定不是一件享受的事,於是一杯杯糟糕透頂的咖啡就這樣誕生了。

有 「咖啡帝國」 之稱的巴西,大约有39億7千萬棵咖啡樹,小農場主們現在種植的咖啡占全國總產量的 75%。巴西從事咖啡生產的人數是哥倫比亞的2倍甚至是5倍,而哥倫比亞是世界上第三大咖啡生產國。 在二戰前,巴西咖啡產量占全世界的50%甚至更多,現在接近 30%,但是該國對全世界咖啡的影響,尤其是對咖啡價格的影響,却是舉足輕重的,例如1975、1994年的兩次霜凍就曾引起全球咖啡價格的暴漲。自1720年從法屬圭亞那引進咖啡樹以來,咖啡生產逐漸變成一門科學。1990年前,巴西政府對咖啡業進行嚴格的監控,既有嚴厲的干涉又有價格保護措施,而且國家一直對農民實行最低價格保護政策,以至造成咖啡生產過剩。二戰前一段時間,剩餘存貨多達7800萬袋,後來不得不將其用火燒掉或投入水中銷毁。  




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